Our Lady's Maronite Parish Council is an advisory board formed to offer its best advice to the pastor, for the good of the parish. Its task is to enhance the process of pastoral planning, develop pastoral programs and improve pastoral services. The Council generally meets, the third Sunday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the parish conference room
The pastor is always the decision maker at the parish level and the Eparchial Bishop has the final say in all matters.
Members are:
Cynthia Dacarett, Secretary
Nabil Diab, Religious Education/Usher
Maria Gebara, Fundraising Ministry
Tony and Ariana Guajardo, Maronite Youth Organization (MYO)
Michael Kalish, Safety Ministry
Tony Kuri, Maronite Young Adults (MYA)
Mike Martelli, Knight of Columbus, Chapter of Saint Sharbel
Mike Yonan, Campus Manager